We’re talking about Singapore Colloquial English, or Singlish.
The Singaporean government would love to wipe it out, but Singlish is gaining prestige in the English-speaking world. Oxford is even adding Singlish words to its dictionary. But what is this language like, and what does it mean to its speakers?
Singlish speaker Sean Yeo joins Daniel, Ben, and Kylie on this episode of Talk the Talk.
Listen to this episode
You can listen to all the episodes of Talk the Talk by pasting this URL into your podlistener.
Cutting Room Floor
Bonus audio from our Singlish episode! Sean Yeo tells us more about an unlikely place where Singlish is tolerated. Daniel relates an on-air near-disaster.
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Show notes
Brain pattern predicts how fast an adult learns a new language
Brain waves predict speed of second language learning
Languages come naturally, to some. Oui?
What is the function of the various brainwaves?
Foreign Language Skills Wired In The Brain
Crosstalk between left and right brain is key to language development
The rise of Singlish
10 Bizarre Things Singaporeans Do That The Rest Of The World Won’t Understand
(Good example of words from several languages in one sentence.)

Singapore Infopedia: Singlish
Singapore Colloquial English (Singlish)
The ‘Speak Good English Movement’
Google Books Link
Me Singlish Damn Powerful One, Ah?
Oxford: New Singapore English words
Shiok! 19 Singlish items added to the Oxford English Dictionary
What’s a ‘Chinese helicopter’? Latest Singlish entry in Oxford Dictionary has us scratching our heads
‘Chinese helicopter’: Singlish OED entry baffles Singaporeans
Some find new Singlish terms in Oxford dictionary ‘ridiculous’
(Note the language attitudes.)
Wah, now can act blur and lepak: Oxford English Dictionary
Inky’s Daring Escape Shows How Smart Octopuses Are
Anthea Fraser Gupta: Singapore Colloquial English? Or deviant Standard English? (PDF)
mr brown tries to explain the Meaning of Lah
Singlish Dictionary
Singapore scene is entering golden age of indie music
Image credit: http://www.channelnewsasia.com/news/singapore/wah-now-can-act-blur-and/2776828.html
We’re working our way back through the archives. If you think we should prioritise a transcript of this episode, let us know!
30 May 2016 at 9:24 pm
A Hungarian word ‘már’ has the same paradoxical nature that ‘lah’ has. It originally means ‘already’ or ‘at once’, so putting it in an imperative sentence would imply something harsh like ‘do it already’ or ‘do it at once’. That is sometimes the case, but most of the time it actually functions as a softener, being even synonymous with ‘please’. I’ve noticed that, when saying ‘please’ sounds too formal, e.g. asking a family member to pass the salt at the dinner table, we’ll put it in the sentence to soften up ‘pass the salt!’, even though ‘pass the salt already!’ doesn’t sound much nicer.