It’s a Talk the Talk live show!

We’re working together with Pint of Science to bring science to the pub. But we’re not alone — we’ve got early-career researchers Amy Budrikis and Troy Reynolds to talk about their work in linguistics.

Daniel, Ben, and Kylie are raising a glass on this episode of Talk the Talk.

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Promo with Caitlin Nienaber on Breakfast, 2018-05-16: RTRFM promo for Pint of Science live show

RTRFM promo for Pint of Science live show, 2018-05-16

Get ready, because our live show is coming! Daniel Midgley and Troy Reynolds talk to Caitlin Nienaber on Breakfast about what will be going down tonight.

Also at

Promo with Rewi Lyall, 2018-05-22

Promo, 2018-05-22, with Rewi Lyall: Letter Game

Daniel and Rewi chat about the live show, and Daniel proposes a rather unusual game. Rewi raises a question about the alphabet: was A always the first letter?

Also at

Patreon supporters

We’re very grateful for the support from our burgeoning community of patrons, including

  • Jerry
  • Termy
  • Helen
  • Jack
  • Matt

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Show notes

Download the slides for this event

Google puts gun emoji back in holster with switch to water pistol

Nigerian Sues Oxford University Over Wrong Dictionary Definition

Apple washes Siri’s mouth out with soap over vulgar definition of ‘mother’

Hey Siri, define the word “mother”

siri swearing in Australian

You’re never too old to become fluent in a foreign language

A critical period for second language acquisition: Evidence from 2/3 million English speakers

The Baby-Name Trend That Unites America

The Top Baby Names Of The Year From The Social Security Administration Are Here, & They Prove Classics Are Totally In Style

Help Us Solve This Debate About What “IMHO” Stands For

There Is Only One Thing IMHO Can Mean

The ‘H’ In IMHO Does Not Mean Humble or Honest

xkcd: IMHO

A New Scientific Study Supports Putting Two Spaces After a Period … and a Punctuation War Ensues

What do you hear?! Yanny or Laurel

— Cloe Feldman (@CloeCouture) 15 May 2018

Laurel or Yanny? Listen to the New Viral Video Driving the Internet Crazy!

“Yanny” or “Laurel”: the audio clip that’s tearing the internet apart

A Linguist Explains Why ‘Laurel’ Sounds Like ‘Yanny’

We Made a Tool So You Can Hear Both Yanny and Laurel

MUST READ: Yanny vs. Laurel: an analysis by Benjamin Munson

Gammon : the bottom piece of a side of bacon, including a hind leg.

Also (recently) slang : Middle aged red-faced white male, usually ranting about Brexit, immigrants and political correctness gone mad. (origin : 2017 BBC)

— Tattooed Mummy (@tattooed_mummy) 14 May 2018

Why your social media is covered in gammon

Owen Jones: No, ‘gammon’ is not a racial slur. Now let’s change the conversation

I’ve written a poem about gammon

— Oldfirmfacts (@Oldfirmfacts1) 14 May 2018

180 years ago, the 26 year old Charles Dickens used the word “gammon” to describe a large, self-satisfied, middle aged man who professes an extreme patriotism in large part to disguise his essential selfishness and corruption.
(Nicholas Nickleby, Chapter 16)

— Alan Ferrier (@alanferrier) 14 May 2018

Tom Wolfe: “I used to go through the dictionary looking for unusual but nontechnical words. At one time, I thought the greatest word was ‘jejune’ and I would throw it into every piece because something about it appealed to me.”


We’re working our way back through the archives. If you think we should prioritise a transcript of this episode, let us know!