Gesture. We all do it. But what are our brains doing while it’s going on?
What does gesture contribute to our interpretation? Can we work out complex meanings when words are replaced by gestures? And when a gesture like the middle finger becomes conventionalised, does a trace of its original meaning persist?
We’re letting our bodies do the talking on this episode of Talk the Talk.
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Did you see the tweet about the sociology teacher who kept track of his students’ slang? Yeah, well, Teri is going to help Daniel make sure it’s all correct.
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Indigenous Australian Word of the Week (IA-WoW): jurlaka

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In honour of the UN declaring 2019 the Year of Indigenous Languages, we will be sharing words from Indigenous Australian languages.
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people should be aware that episodes of this show may contain voices or names of deceased persons.
This week’s IA-WoW is “jurlaka” – meaning “bird” in Gurindji. This word comes to us from Violet Wardrill – a Gurundji speaker and artist whose voice can be heard in the “50 Words Project“. The segment appears in the show 10 minutes in.
You can listen to more Gurindji language at the website for the 50 words project, find the language on the Gambay language map and learn more about it through Glottolog and AUSTLANG.
Cutting Room Floor
It’s the Wiggles Show! No, wait, it’s the Hedvig’s Flubs Show! Well, we might not know what this show is, but we do have the idea of having a non-linguistic episode. What would we talk about?
Hedvig has some ideas for tracks she wants to play, and Ben and Daniel have (conversely) some ideas about that.
And then it’s Mormon Stories with Daniel! The time he met an Obviously Italian Guy who gestured in characteristic fashion.
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Show notes
Yolngu sign language to be preserved in world-first document – ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)
‘We will save this one’: desperate effort to save a language and way of life
Fundraiser by Bentley James : Help us save Yolŋu Sign Language
Speaking my language: Indigenous deaf sign | Pursuit by The University of Melbourne
The 14 Indigenous words for money on our new 50 cent coin | Centre of Excellence for the Dynamics of Language
Indigenous languages represented on new coin
Nambal, boya, barnda, awarnda: our words for ‘coin’ – National Indigenous Times
Royal Australian Mint has a love of language on 50¢ | Coin World
50 words project — Research Unit for Indigenous Language | Faculty of Arts
Lingiari, Vincent (1919–1988)
Song for the Gurindji
Gestures that speak: Gesticulating while speaking is not just a ‘colorful’ habit — ScienceDaily
(PDF) Sekine et al: Cross-linguistic views of gesture usage
Meaning Without Words: Gestures and Visual Animations Reveal Cognitive Origins of Linguistic Meaning–gestures-and-visual-animations-reveal-cog.html
Gestures and visual animations reveal cognitive origins of linguistic meaning | EurekAlert! Science News
($$$) Linguistic inferences without words | PNAS
Au-delà des mots : les origines cognitives du sens linguistique | CNRS
Do gestures retain mental associations with their iconic origins, even after they become emblematic? An analysis of the middle-finger gesture among American English speakers
middle finger |
When did the middle finger become offensive? – BBC News
The History Behind the Middle Finger
When did the middle finger become offensive? – BBC News
William Barr’s Testimony, and Reasons to Be Snitty | The New Yorker
A ‘snitty’ day: five takeaways from Barr’s testimony on the Mueller report | US news | The Guardian
Scrabble’s word of ze year is gender neutral, and potentially high scoring
Ze | Define Ze at
The History of ‘Thon,’ The Forgotten Gender-Neutral Pronoun | Merriam-Webster
A Gender-Neutral Pronoun Won’t Work in English. We’re Stuck With “She” and “He.”
(Must-read) Dennis Baron | Nonbinary pronouns and singular they
The Journey From ‘Colored’ To ‘Minorities’ To ‘People Of Color’ : Code Switch : NPR
We’re working our way back through the archives. If you think we should prioritise a transcript of this episode, let us know!