The questions never stop, and neither do we.
- What’s the past tense of yeet, and why is English past tense so strange?
- Can etymology help you spell rhythm?
- Should French teachers have to speak with a Parisian accent?
- Do’s and don’ts? Dos and don’t’s? Where do the apostrophes go?
- Why do some people use a trilled [r], when their language doesn’t?
- Is there a way to tell a language from a dialect once and for all?
- Are there places where men and women have to speak differently?
- Is word amnesia contagious?
We take all the questions on this episode of Talk the Talk.
Listen to this episode
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Daniel and Teri are not big Game of Thrones fans. And they don’t speak High Valyrian. But they could potentially learn it, because it’s one of the more popular languages on Duolingo, the language learning app.
Also at
Cutting Room Floor
Hedvig drops another gem of knowledge about why rhythm is spelled that way, and it doesn’t make Daniel and Ben happy.
Why use an apostrophe for possessive? Do like the Swedes, and use a colon! What the heck. Punctuation is arbitrary, nothing is forbidden.
Plus: the surprise behind the version of the Lakota language that Kevin Costner spoke in Dances with Wolves.
Also at
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Show notes
Want to Learn to Speak High Valyrian? Duolingo’s ‘Game of Thrones’ Lessons See Spike in Popularity – NBC Chicago
Duolingo: The Most Popular Language Learning App | Online Course Report

Category:Old English strong verbs – Wiktionary
Old English/Verbs – Wikibooks, open books for an open world
Old English Language Grammar by Cyril Babaev
sprecan – Wiktionary
23 difficult words to spell | OxfordWords blog
Why are ‘rhyme’ and ‘rhythm’ spelled like that?
Laura Bell Bundy’s racist(?) caricature (Message Board)
Cardi B Explained What “Okurrr” Means So Now You Can Go Back To Pretending To Be Cool

Why Languages and Dialects Really Are Different Animals
Macrolanguage vs. Dialect – A Linguist in the Wild
What’s the difference between a language and a dialect?
Online calculator: Levenshtein Distance
Mutual intelligibility between closely related language in Europe. (PDF)
Ubang: The Nigerian village where men and women speak different languages – BBC News
When women and men speak differently – Oxford Scholarship
5 Cultures Where Men and Women Really Don’t Speak the Same Language – K International
Retrieval-Induced Forgetting – an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
On the role of item similarity in retrieval-induced forgetting. – PubMed – NCBI
Tip of the Tongue and Retrieval-Induced Forgetting: Selection and Inhibition Accounts | ScienceBlogs
Memory loss: When to seek help – Mayo Clinic
We’re working our way back through the archives. If you think we should prioritise a transcript of this episode, let us know!