Category: accent (page 1 of 4)

392: Your Voice (with Jane Setter)

Your voice is your ability to represent your point of view.

So which voices are getting validated? Why are certain voices getting repressed? How do we end accent prejudice?

Daniel and Ben are speaking to Dr Jane Setter, author …

358: Mailbag of Mallets

Again we tackle the questions that others dast not.

  • Why do all children seem to know the nyah nyah song?
  • Why do classic movie stars talk in that strange accent?
  • Do Chinese characters stay readable longer than English words?
  • Who

334: Mailbag of Darkness

It’s time once again to dig into our overflowing mailbag.

  • What’s the difference between a hill, a mountain, and a mount?
  • Why do we seem to add a negative suffix to positive words, and not the other

Solo shows mid-2018

We’re on our customary mid-year hiatus, but Daniel’s still having a great time in the studio, taking your questions, playing tracks, and talking about whatever’s happening in the world of language.

We’re thinking of putting together a best-of for the …

320: Love Your Larynx (featuring Thila Raja)

Are you looking after your larynx?

Your voice is your ability to speak, and for a lot of people, it’s how we earn a living. So it’s important to look after your vocal health. And with World Voice Day coming …

319: The Prodigal Tongue (featuring Lynne Murphy)

British and American English have always had a love-hate relationship.

British people (and Australians) often blame Americans for somehow tarnishing the language, and they fret about creeping Americanism. But people are terrible at identifying what the Americanisms actually are. How …

301: Mailbag of Wonder

We’re taking your questions on this episode.

What’s happening with tildes and Facebook? Can you have a big huge balloon, or could it also be huge big? And if you move a meeting forward, is it later or …

297: Let’s Hear It for the Speechies (featuring Jamaica Grantis)

Happy Speech Pathology Week!

When we think of speech pathology, we might think of speaking exercises or correcting impediments. But it’s just as much about access, training, and representation for people with vocal difficulties. So what’s happening in the field?…

279: Mailbag – Competitive Edition

We’re taking your questions on a Mailbag episode!

Along the way, we’re going to find out some pretty strange things about how words and phrases got to be how they are. Do you say zero or oh? What is …

277: All About Accents

Accents are like opinions: everybody’s got one. But how do opinions affect accents?

Listeners want to know: Why do people seem to lose their accent when they sing? And is there any reason why we think some accents sound attractive …

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