Category: Australian languages (page 2 of 4)

367: Your Inner Prescriptivist (with Alyssa Severin and Pete Swanton)

Even if we’re trying not to be the grammar police, we all have that internal voice that notices linguistic difference, and categorises people thereby.

How do we deal with that inner prescriptivist? How can we have linguistic discussions with grammar …

355: The Bee Show (with Stephen Mann)

Bees: not just great pollinators; great communicators.

The dance of the European honeybee is one of the most famous methods of communication in the animal kingdom, and shows features that are very similar to human language.

But are bees losing …

Solo shows mid-2018

We’re on our customary mid-year hiatus, but Daniel’s still having a great time in the studio, taking your questions, playing tracks, and talking about whatever’s happening in the world of language.

We’re thinking of putting together a best-of for the …

330: Making Words for Miriwoong (featuring Knut Olawsky)

The Australian Aboriginal language of Mirawoong is being revitalised. But to do this, it needs more than speakers. It needs words.

How do you construct new words in a language? And how well are these words being accepted?

We’re talking …

328: She Writes Dictionaries (featuring Jane Solomon)

Dictionaries don’t just write themselves, you know. And lexicographers have some pretty cool tricks to do what they do.

How do they spot new words? And how can their definitions influence our lives?

We’re talking to lexicographer Jane Solomon on …

326: Linguistics in the Pub (live with Pint of Science, featuring Amy Budrikis and Troy Reynolds)

It’s a Talk the Talk live show!

We’re working together with Pint of Science to bring science to the pub. But we’re not alone — we’ve got early-career researchers Amy Budrikis and Troy Reynolds to talk about their work in …

322: Sense of Direction (featuring Alice Gaby)

North and south? Left and right? Or something else?

Different languages have different ways of talking about space. Sometimes this has to do with the environment of the people who speak them. But what happens when the environment changes?


305: Updating Shakespeare (featuring the artists of the Oregon Shakespeare Festival)

Time to check in on Shakespeare.

Away from the glare of the footlights, the Play On! project is underway to translate all the Bard’s works into Present-Day English. How is it progressing? What’s staying, and what’s going?

We’re talking to …

303: Creoles 2 (featuring John McWhorter, Knut Olawsky, & Ji-Soo Kweon)

We’re continuing our discussion of a controversial paper about how new languages get started.

When you start talking about creole languages, the linguistic becomes the political very quickly. So what are linguists saying about this work? And is there anything …

295: Yawuru (featuring Dalisa Pigram) – live at the Disrupted Festival

The Talk the Talk team takes the stage in a special live episode at the Disrupted Festival.

The Yawuru language of Western Australia has been going dormant, but many courageous teachers are bringing it back for a new generation. …

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