Category: combining forms

382: There’s No Enhance Button (with Helen Fraser)

We hear what we expect to hear.

That’s a problem in court, where covert audio recordings are often unclear. Who decides what goes into the transcript that lawyers, judges, and juries will see?

We’re talking to Dr Helen Fraser about …

371: -nado, -holic, -pocalypse: Combining Forms (Live Q&A)

Take a tornado. Add some sharks. You’ve got a sharknado.

But it’s not just sharks that can leap out of their normal context. It looks like –nado is jumping free and becoming a combining form — a part …

355: The Bee Show (with Stephen Mann)

Bees: not just great pollinators; great communicators.

The dance of the European honeybee is one of the most famous methods of communication in the animal kingdom, and shows features that are very similar to human language.

But are bees losing …

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