Category: computing (page 2 of 11)

327: How We Talk (featuring Nick Enfield and Simeon Floyd)

What is the meaning of um?

We make hesitation noises and tiny pauses in conversation all the time, but what’s the meaning behind them? And is it true that different cultures have different tolerances for silence?

We’re talking to …

326: Linguistics in the Pub (live with Pint of Science, featuring Amy Budrikis and Troy Reynolds)

It’s a Talk the Talk live show!

We’re working together with Pint of Science to bring science to the pub. But we’re not alone — we’ve got early-career researchers Amy Budrikis and Troy Reynolds to talk about their work in …

322: Sense of Direction (featuring Alice Gaby)

North and south? Left and right? Or something else?

Different languages have different ways of talking about space. Sometimes this has to do with the environment of the people who speak them. But what happens when the environment changes?


320: Love Your Larynx (featuring Thila Raja)

Are you looking after your larynx?

Your voice is your ability to speak, and for a lot of people, it’s how we earn a living. So it’s important to look after your vocal health. And with World Voice Day coming …

317: With Big Data Comes Big Responsibility (featuring Seán Roberts)

That study about language looks interesting. Can you trust the results?

Lots of researchers are using big data to discover amazing things about language. But big data can bring big trouble if researchers don’t look out for some common traps. …

313: That’s Cool. That’s Hot. (featuring Maria Koptjevskaja Tamm)

Boiling with rage. A warm embrace. A cool time in a hot town.

How do we think about heat and cold, and how does this work its way into language? And does this have anything to do with what the …

311: Quick Shots 2: The Quickening

This week, we’re looking back at the year that was.

What were our favourite shows? What does it mean if someone ‘deserves a pineapple’? And what will be the Word of the Week of the Year?

Daniel and Kylie are …

308: Pet Translator

Just how feasible is a pet translator?

A report from a futurologist is claiming that we’re only ten years away from having deep and meaningfuls with our puppers and kittehs. But there might be some technical hurdles — including the …

307: Sexy Neural Net (featuring Janelle Shane)

Are you stuck for what to go as for Halloween? AI to the rescue!

A computer scientist is using neural networks to invent Halloween costumes. Do you think you could pull off Punk Tree? Or perhaps Lady Garbage is more …

306: Deception Detection (featuring Victoria Rubin, Sarah Cornwell, and Sophie Richard)

Sometimes it can be hard to tell the real news from the fake news.

But language researchers are building tools that can detect deception online. And they’re working on detecting satire. Can their system spot the fakes better than you …

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