Category: emoji (page 1 of 3)

380: Emoji Innovations (Live Q&A)

For this episode, we want to hear about the emoji usages or combinations that are unique to you and your social network. We’ll unearth new patterns, or at least shine a light on the variability of digital communication. We’re taking …

375: Community Size Matters (with Limor Raviv)

Why are some languages more systematic than others?

We often hear about the irregularities in English, and other languages have them as well. But new work shows that systematicity in a language is influenced by the number of speakers in …

372: Because Internet (with Gretchen McCulloch and Grant Mathumba Thompson)

The rules are changing. Here’s the manual.

Gretchen McCulloch’s book Because Internet is a look at how people use language on the net to communicate and to show identity. How do people laugh online? How is emoji like gesture?

It’s …

332: Social (featuring Ketan Joshi, live at Disrupted 2018)

The Talk the Talk team is taking their show to the Disrupted Festival, and they’re chatting with internet influencer Ketan Joshi about data privacy, science advocacy, and changing minds. Plus their usual antics, games, and the dreaded Words of the …

328: She Writes Dictionaries (featuring Jane Solomon)

Dictionaries don’t just write themselves, you know. And lexicographers have some pretty cool tricks to do what they do.

How do they spot new words? And how can their definitions influence our lives?

We’re talking to lexicographer Jane Solomon on …

326: Linguistics in the Pub (live with Pint of Science, featuring Amy Budrikis and Troy Reynolds)

It’s a Talk the Talk live show!

We’re working together with Pint of Science to bring science to the pub. But we’re not alone — we’ve got early-career researchers Amy Budrikis and Troy Reynolds to talk about their work in …

322: Sense of Direction (featuring Alice Gaby)

North and south? Left and right? Or something else?

Different languages have different ways of talking about space. Sometimes this has to do with the environment of the people who speak them. But what happens when the environment changes?


317: With Big Data Comes Big Responsibility (featuring Seán Roberts)

That study about language looks interesting. Can you trust the results?

Lots of researchers are using big data to discover amazing things about language. But big data can bring big trouble if researchers don’t look out for some common traps. …

297: Let’s Hear It for the Speechies (featuring Jamaica Grantis)

Happy Speech Pathology Week!

When we think of speech pathology, we might think of speaking exercises or correcting impediments. But it’s just as much about access, training, and representation for people with vocal difficulties. So what’s happening in the field?…

289: What Helps Babies Learn Language?

Is there anything you can do to help babies learn language?

Babies do a great job of learning language, but it’s still a pretty complex undertaking. Who wouldn’t like to help the little tackers figure it out? But does anything …

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