Category: language change (page 3 of 4)

199: Computer Humour

Why did the computer cross the road?

Linguists are trying to get computers to do very human things: detect humour, recognise irony, and even write jokes. But can computers do funny? What makes something funny, anyway?

Linguist Daniel Midgley hacks …

196: Irish

The Irish language is attracting a lot of attention.

It’s now a major player among minority languages, but even so, it’s a surprisingly contentious topic for many.

Linguist Daniel Midgley finds out what it’s all about on this episode of …

Big news for Talk the Talk!

Hey, everyone.

Starting in 2015, there’s going to be a new, bigger, better Talk the Talk with Daniel and Ben! Here are the changes:

  • Talk the Talk will be a full hour. That’s right — instead of trying to squash

185: Listener Questions

We get questions from our many listeners. And we have answers.

Do the languages of the world form a continuous chain? And isn’t it possible that language influences thought by the words we use?

Linguist Daniel Midgley tells all on …

180: Bad English (featuring Ammon Shea)

Are you annoyed by grammar purists?

Do prescriptive pedants pester you with trivial issues of usage?

What you need is some ammunition for fighting back. And it’s here, in the new book Bad English: A History of Linguistic Aggravation.…

173: Metaphor in Brainspace (featuring Thalia Wheatley and Beth Castieau)

Do you like long discussions or heavy conversations?

If you understood that, you’re good at metaphors. They help us express ourselves, and even understand things. But what’s happening in our brains when we hear them? And can metaphors change our …

171: Word Crimes 2

Weird Al Yankovic’s song “Word Crimes” combines grammar with music, and it’s fun to listen to.

But linguists are pointing out that these word crimes are not so felonious after all.

Linguist Daniel Midgley continues the investigation on this episode …

159: Taboo Grammar (featuring James Bednall and Joe Blythe)

Why do languages have the grammar they do?

For some Australian languages, grammar is shaped by the stuff you’re not supposed to say. Linguist Joe Blythe is finding out about the evolution of language, and challenging one of the biggest …

158: English Plurals

Is it octopuses or octopi? What about mongooses? Are they mongeese?

Sure, you can use plural –s, but do you know your way around the unusual plurals of English?

Have no fear — linguist Daniel

121: GIF

You see an animated picture on the web. Is it a GIF or a JIF?

For decades, this simple question has ignited controversy and set up warring factions. How are you supposed to say it? And why is this even …

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