Category: memes

327: How We Talk (featuring Nick Enfield and Simeon Floyd)

What is the meaning of um?

We make hesitation noises and tiny pauses in conversation all the time, but what’s the meaning behind them? And is it true that different cultures have different tolerances for silence?

We’re talking to …

320: Love Your Larynx (featuring Thila Raja)

Are you looking after your larynx?

Your voice is your ability to speak, and for a lot of people, it’s how we earn a living. So it’s important to look after your vocal health. And with World Voice Day coming …

298: West African Pidgin English

We’re listening to West African Pidgin English.

Millions of people speak it, but now it’s getting a big boost from the BBC World Service. What’s this language like? And will it change, now that it’s hit the world stage?


290: Language Does Not Determine Your Thoughts (Whorfianism)

Does language influence the way we think?

Many people have thought so. And this thought has worked its way into an enormously popular idea called the Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis. Yet linguists often dismiss this idea as unfounded. So what’s the …

243: Synaesthesia

Can you hear colours? Or smell sounds?

We’re starting to understand synaesthesia — the blending of senses that some people experience. Now language researchers are using synaesthesia to understand how we process language, and even how language got started in …

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