Category: music (page 2 of 2)

176: Language Myths (featuring Karen Stollznow)

Does Bigfoot use language?

Can your brain understand a message if it’s backwards?

We don’t always understand how language works, so it’s natural that myths and legends about language should arise. Now a new book “Language Myths, Mysteries, and Magic” …

174: Big Data, Small World

There’s a lot of data out there.

And people are using it to find some pretty interesting patterns. Whether it’s finding global superdialects, or inferring language similarity from the errors of English learners, computers are expanding our language horizons.

Linguist …

170: Word Crimes 1

Weird Al Yankovic’s new parody “Word Crimes” is chock-full of grammar advice — but is it good advice?

Or is it just a three-minute-long language peeve session? What should we take from the song, and what should best be left …

169: Kalyakoorl (featuring Gina Williams and Guy Ghouse)

Many people talk about language revitalisation, but some people are doing something about it.

Perth musicians Gina Williams and Guy Ghouse have released a new album Kalyakoorl, written in the Noongar language of Western Australia, and it’s bringing the …

166: Mondegreens

Even if you’re great at understanding the words to songs, you’ve probably encountered mondegreens.

They’re misheard song lyrics, and they can be funny, bizarre, and sometimes better then the real thing. Why do they happen, and what can they …

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