Do you, like, like LIKE?
LIKE is often used and often reviled these days, but not everyone realises that LIKE has a long history. And it follows regular patterns — patterns we seem to know instinctively, but which we have …
Do you, like, like LIKE?
LIKE is often used and often reviled these days, but not everyone realises that LIKE has a long history. And it follows regular patterns — patterns we seem to know instinctively, but which we have …
You won’t believe what it takes to make a good linguistic article!
Listicles, or list articles, can be interesting, amusing, and even informative. What goes into the creation of a good linguistic listicle? How can they change someone’s mind about …
The Talk the Talk team is taking a break, but Daniel jumped at the chance to speak to Louisa Fitzhardinge, whose new comedy show ‘Comma Sutra’ looks at the lighter side of the use — and misuse — of …
What happens when emoji go wrong?
We all love to use emoji, but their inherent ambiguity means that misunderstandings can happen — not only across cultures, but across devices.
Linguist Daniel Midgley makes it clear on this episode of Talk …
Our listeners have questions, and we have answers.
Why do we say boo? or a whole ‘nother? And our Latin-minded friends have a few questions, as well.
Linguist Daniel Midgley answers them all on this episode of Talk …
Are our vocabularies shrinking? Is bureaucratic double-talk a sinister form of code designed to short-circuit original thought?
Author Don Watson thinks so, and explains why in his latest book Worst Words. But how does his view stack up to language …
Have you heard of eggcorns?
They’re off-quoted sayings that sometimes reel their ugly heads, and some might just leave you curled up in the feeble position.
Are they wrong? That might be a bit of a mute point. …
Are you, or have you ever been a bogan?
Bogan English doesn’t get a lot of respect, but one linguist is transcending social boundaries to bring Bogan Linguistics to the world.
Linguist Roz Rowen cracks a tinny with Daniel Midgley…
Everyone seems to use baby talk on babies. And linguists think it helps them learn language.
But a new study says dads don’t do it as much. Does it matter? And what kind of input helps children learn?
Linguist Daniel …
The Irish language is attracting a lot of attention.
It’s now a major player among minority languages, but even so, it’s a surprisingly contentious topic for many.
Linguist Daniel Midgley finds out what it’s all about on this episode of …
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