Category: racial terms (page 2 of 2)

229: Social Justice Lexicon (featuring Ji-Soo Kweon)

Social justice is a hot topic right now, and it’s commanding a lot of attention both on- and off-line.

Terms like trigger warning, safe space, and micro-aggressions are erupting into the public awareness. So what’s behind these terms?…

225: Shakespeare in Translation 1 (featuring Lue Douthit)

Shakespeare’s plays have been with us for 400 years. Is it time for an update?

The Oregon Shakespeare Festival has commissioned all the Bard’s plays to be translated into contemporary English. How will this work? And what’s the reaction?

Oregon …

200: Offensive Things

Most of us try to avoid offensive language.

But as language changes, the kind of language that’s considered offensive changes as well. Are there any words you use which may have some unsavoury connotations?

Linguist Daniel Midgley watches his words …

143: Racial Terms

Can offensive terms be reclaimed by the people they’ve been applied to? Or are some words best left alone?

In a related issue, sports teams are facing pressure to change their racially-charged names. Should they?

Linguist Daniel Midgley looks at …

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