Category: science communication

372: Because Internet (with Gretchen McCulloch and Grant Mathumba Thompson)

The rules are changing. Here’s the manual.

Gretchen McCulloch’s book Because Internet is a look at how people use language on the net to communicate and to show identity. How do people laugh online? How is emoji like gesture?

It’s …

332: Social (featuring Ketan Joshi, live at Disrupted 2018)

The Talk the Talk team is taking their show to the Disrupted Festival, and they’re chatting with internet influencer Ketan Joshi about data privacy, science advocacy, and changing minds. Plus their usual antics, games, and the dreaded Words of the …

326: Linguistics in the Pub (live with Pint of Science, featuring Amy Budrikis and Troy Reynolds)

It’s a Talk the Talk live show!

We’re working together with Pint of Science to bring science to the pub. But we’re not alone — we’ve got early-career researchers Amy Budrikis and Troy Reynolds to talk about their work in …

317: With Big Data Comes Big Responsibility (featuring Seán Roberts)

That study about language looks interesting. Can you trust the results?

Lots of researchers are using big data to discover amazing things about language. But big data can bring big trouble if researchers don’t look out for some common traps. …

296: Geophonetics, Round 3 (featuring Caleb Everett)

What’s the relationship between climate and sound?

A linguist has released a trio of papers showing that the sounds we use may be influenced by the air we breathe.

Is there anything to it? How have other scientists reacted? And …

275: The Linguistic Listician (featuring Arika Okrent)

You won’t believe what it takes to make a good linguistic article!

Listicles, or list articles, can be interesting, amusing, and even informative. What goes into the creation of a good linguistic listicle? How can they change someone’s mind about …

274: Linguistic Activism (featuring Christine Mallinson)

How can you make a difference to language?

Linguists are doing a lot of great work, but what if you’re not a linguist? Is there anything that you can do to make the world a better place for language and …

273: Voice of the Apes

Why don’t monkeys talk to us?

New research tells us that if our primate cousins don’t do language, it’s not because of their vocal tracts. Those appear to be speech-ready. So if the voice is good to go, what’s the …

261: Red Big Balloon (featuring Damián Blasi)

We love red big balloons — or are they big red balloons?

There’s a right way and a wrong way to do it, you know. But how do we know what the right way is? And what else does your …

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