Category: Shakespeare

313: That’s Cool. That’s Hot. (featuring Maria Koptjevskaja Tamm)

Boiling with rage. A warm embrace. A cool time in a hot town.

How do we think about heat and cold, and how does this work its way into language? And does this have anything to do with what the …

305: Updating Shakespeare (featuring the artists of the Oregon Shakespeare Festival)

Time to check in on Shakespeare.

Away from the glare of the footlights, the Play On! project is underway to translate all the Bard’s works into Present-Day English. How is it progressing? What’s staying, and what’s going?

We’re talking to …

299: Men Splain Things to Me (featuring Lara B. Sharp)

Do you get mansplained?

Many women will know the pain of the ‘splain, but few have documented an extended mansplain so comically or in such detail as our guest for this episode, writer Lara B. Sharp. Her narrative with …

267: Shakespeare and Marlowe (featuring Eve Siebert)

Looks like Shakespeare’s got some company.

A new edition of Shakespeare’s works credits another author — Christopher Marlowe — with some of the Bard’s work. But how can you tell? Is this just another Shakespearean conspiracy theory? And what does …

226: Shakespeare in Translation 2 (featuring Celeste Rodriguez Louro, Migdalia Cruz, and Taylor Mac)

The Oregon Shakespeare Festival has commissioned all Shakespeare’s plays to be translated into contemporary English.

But how does one go about updating the words of the Bard? Does this task belong to playwrights, or to linguists?

Linguist Daniel Midgley speaks …

225: Shakespeare in Translation 1 (featuring Lue Douthit)

Shakespeare’s plays have been with us for 400 years. Is it time for an update?

The Oregon Shakespeare Festival has commissioned all the Bard’s plays to be translated into contemporary English. How will this work? And what’s the reaction?

Oregon …

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