Category: spelling (page 2 of 3)

291: Covfefe

It’s not just about the covfefe.

This week, we are buried under an avalanche of words, and we’re trying to dig ourselves out. Yes, covfefe happened, but Wonder Woman has also given rise to an ascendant gynocracy. And what …

288: Letters Lost

English used to look a lot different.

We used to use a lot of letters that no longer exist. They had names like eth, wynn, thorn, and ash. Ben, Kylie, and Daniel talk about …

280: Contractions

They’ll, we’ve, you’re, and even ain’t.

This week, we’re having contractions, but not the muscular kind — the word kind! We squash words together all the time, but why? And how well can you recognise them?…

279: Mailbag – Competitive Edition

We’re taking your questions on a Mailbag episode!

Along the way, we’re going to find out some pretty strange things about how words and phrases got to be how they are. Do you say zero or oh? What is …

269: Mailbag Episode

You asked. We answer.

Why do we talk the way we do? Where do our words and phrases come from? And why are they sometimes so very strange?

Linguist Daniel Midgley has something for everyone on this episode of Talk

254: Plagiarism

Did Melania Trump really plagiarise that speech?

Yeah, she totally did. But how can you tell if someone is copying someone else’s work? How do plagiarism checkers work? And can you beat them?

Linguist Daniel Midgley shows his work on …

250: Comma Sutra (featuring Louisa Fitzhardinge)

The Talk the Talk team is taking a break, but Daniel jumped at the chance to speak to Louisa Fitzhardinge, whose new comedy show ‘Comma Sutra’ looks at the lighter side of the use — and misuse — of …

243: Synaesthesia

Can you hear colours? Or smell sounds?

We’re starting to understand synaesthesia — the blending of senses that some people experience. Now language researchers are using synaesthesia to understand how we process language, and even how language got started in …

241: Emoji Disasters

What happens when emoji go wrong?

We all love to use emoji, but their inherent ambiguity means that misunderstandings can happen — not only across cultures, but across devices.

Linguist Daniel Midgley makes it clear on this episode of Talk

236: Spelling Reform

Sometimes English spelling doesn’t make much sense.

But even though many influential people have tried to reform our wacky orthography, the anomalies persist. Will English spelling reform ever work?

Linguist Daniel Midgley spells it out on this episode of Talk

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