Category: typography

341: What the F (featuring Benjamin Bergen)

What’s behind swearing?

If you’re looking at the brain, an awful lot. But how do we use swearing to navigate social relationships? And do all language have swears?

We’re talking to cognitive scientist Benjamin Bergen on this episode of Talk the Talk.…

301: Mailbag of Wonder

We’re taking your questions on this episode.

What’s happening with tildes and Facebook? Can you have a big huge balloon, or could it also be huge big? And if you move a meeting forward, is it later or …

298: West African Pidgin English

We’re listening to West African Pidgin English.

Millions of people speak it, but now it’s getting a big boost from the BBC World Service. What’s this language like? And will it change, now that it’s hit the world stage?


288: Letters Lost

English used to look a lot different.

We used to use a lot of letters that no longer exist. They had names like eth, wynn, thorn, and ash. Ben, Kylie, and Daniel talk about …

264: Spurious Etymologies (live at Camp Doogs)

With words, things are not always what they seem.

An etymology is a story about how a word or phrase got to be that way. How did your favourite phrases come about? Is it possible that the origins you’ve heard …

234: Disruptive Language Tech

What happens when computers can use language like humans can? Language workers may be out of a job.

Translators, teachers, and others are watching with concern. But is there reason to think that we’re on the verge of solving all …

209: Typography

Typography is more than just font design.

It affects informational readability — and at times, credibility. It’s contributed terms to our language. And sometimes, there are stories of intrigue hidden in its past.

Linguist Daniel Midgley is the font of …

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