Category: variation (page 2 of 2)

251: Brexit Language Fallout

Seems the UK is eyeing the exits on the EU, but what would a UK exodus mean for language?

Would language learning be affected? How about Britain’s minority languages? And would the English language even be in the EU at …

250: Comma Sutra (featuring Louisa Fitzhardinge)

The Talk the Talk team is taking a break, but Daniel jumped at the chance to speak to Louisa Fitzhardinge, whose new comedy show ‘Comma Sutra’ looks at the lighter side of the use — and misuse — of …

247: Singlish (featuring Sean Yeo)

We’re talking about Singapore Colloquial English, or Singlish.

The Singaporean government would love to wipe it out, but Singlish is gaining prestige in the English-speaking world. Oxford is even adding Singlish words to its dictionary. But what is this …

240: Bite the Wax Tadpole

Brand names can get lost in translation.

When a company tries to market a product overseas, sometimes the result is international zany hijinks ahoy. But not all the stories are true — there are plenty of urban legends around. Who …

223: Mailbag

You have questions, and we have answers.

But in the process we find out more about how English works, and how it got to be the way it is.

Daniel and Ben empty out the mailbag on this episode of …

202: Lying

Everyone lies.

But what is lying? And can you tell when someone’s doing it? Researchers are using computers to catch us in the act.

Linguist Daniel Midgley tells the whole truth on this episode of Talk the Talk.


184: We Do Language (featuring Anne Charity Hudley)

There’s more than one way to speak English.

But too often, kids who speak other varieties of English find themselves on the wrong side of their teachers. How can educators — and everyone else — avoid linguistic discrimination and value …

181: Is Aussie Slang Dying out?

Is Australian slang carking it? Dying, that is.

One lexicographer is seeing fewer Aussie terms than ever in contemporary slang. Words are always going in and out of fashion, but if the Aussie lingo is changing, can we see what …

180: Bad English (featuring Ammon Shea)

Are you annoyed by grammar purists?

Do prescriptive pedants pester you with trivial issues of usage?

What you need is some ammunition for fighting back. And it’s here, in the new book Bad English: A History of Linguistic Aggravation.…

179: Onomatopoeia

Boom, crash, and beep.

These words are onomatopoeic; they sound kind of like the thing they describe. Onomatopoeia has contributed to our vocabulary in some unexpected ways, and may have even helped get language started in …

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