Category: world Englishes (page 1 of 3)

392: Your Voice (with Jane Setter)

Your voice is your ability to represent your point of view.

So which voices are getting validated? Why are certain voices getting repressed? How do we end accent prejudice?

Daniel and Ben are speaking to Dr Jane Setter, author …

375: Community Size Matters (with Limor Raviv)

Why are some languages more systematic than others?

We often hear about the irregularities in English, and other languages have them as well. But new work shows that systematicity in a language is influenced by the number of speakers in …

310: Sign Language Gloves (featuring Adam Schembri and William Bowe)

The sign language glove is an idea whose time has come! Or has it?

Could this tech tool be helpful for Deaf people? Or it is just so much hand-waving? Not everyone in the world of singed language is wild about …

302: Creoles 1 (featuring Damián Blasi)

How do Creole languages arise?

A controversial new paper is rocking the linguistic world. Are Creole languages different from other languages? How do they start? And what does this all mean about the human language ability?

Daniel Midgley speaks with …

298: West African Pidgin English

We’re listening to West African Pidgin English.

Millions of people speak it, but now it’s getting a big boost from the BBC World Service. What’s this language like? And will it change, now that it’s hit the world stage?


280: Contractions

They’ll, we’ve, you’re, and even ain’t.

This week, we’re having contractions, but not the muscular kind — the word kind! We squash words together all the time, but why? And how well can you recognise them?…

276: English Only

What’s behind the English Only movement?

Some people are trying to make English the “official” language of countries where there’s already a lot of English going on. Is this necessary? What are the pros and cons?

Daniel, Ben, and …

275: The Linguistic Listician (featuring Arika Okrent)

You won’t believe what it takes to make a good linguistic article!

Listicles, or list articles, can be interesting, amusing, and even informative. What goes into the creation of a good linguistic listicle? How can they change someone’s mind about …

271: Words of the Year 2016

Was 2016 a dumpster fire 🗑🔥? Or was it just fire 🔥?

It’s time to look back at the words that defined our time, enlivened our speech, and zeited our geist in the previous year.

Daniel, Ben, and …

265: Universal Grammar 2 (featuring Dan Everett and Lynne Murphy)

The biggest idea in linguistics is back on the table.

Is there such a thing as the Universal Grammar? Do you have to have a human brain to learn language, or is learning a language just like learning anything else? …

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