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207: Language Learning App Road-Test

More and more of us are turning to our phones to learn a new language, or brush up on an old one.

And with so many apps available, there have never been so many ways to learn. But what do …

206: Baby Talk, or Not?

Everyone seems to use baby talk on babies. And linguists think it helps them learn language.

But a new study says dads don’t do it as much. Does it matter? And what kind of input helps children learn?

Linguist Daniel

205: Lost Writing

The written word lasts longer than speech, at least in principle.

But what happens when a writing system is lost in the mist of history? Lost writing can be deciphered, but these scripts have resisted all attempts.

Linguist Daniel Midgley

204: Shibboleths

A shibboleth can mark you as a insider… or an outsider.

Shibboleths can be words, phrases, or even sounds, but getting them wrong can lead to social or political exclusion, and in some cases, they can be fatal.

Linguist Daniel

203: Modern Australian Usage (featuring Nicholas Hudson)

When writers need advice, they turn to editors, and Nicholas Hudson is a formidable presence in the editing world.

But how does his advice stack up linguistically? And what do Australian writers need to know?

Author and editor Nicholas Hudson

202: Lying

Everyone lies.

But what is lying? And can you tell when someone’s doing it? Researchers are using computers to catch us in the act.

Linguist Daniel Midgley tells the whole truth on this episode of Talk the Talk.


201: The First Language

What was the first language, and what was it like?

Does it still exist? And out of all the languages on earth today, which one is the oldest?

These are tricky questions, and linguists have tricky answers. Linguist Daniel Midgley

200: Offensive Things

Most of us try to avoid offensive language.

But as language changes, the kind of language that’s considered offensive changes as well. Are there any words you use which may have some unsavoury connotations?

Linguist Daniel Midgley watches his words …

199: Computer Humour

Why did the computer cross the road?

Linguists are trying to get computers to do very human things: detect humour, recognise irony, and even write jokes. But can computers do funny? What makes something funny, anyway?

Linguist Daniel Midgley hacks …

198: The Geography of Sound (featuring Caleb Everett)

Does climate affect language?

A linguist has found that tone languages appear in regions of high humidity. But the idea that human speech adapts to the environment is not a popular one. So what’s going on?

Daniel Midgley speaks with …

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