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197: The Birthplace of Indo-European (featuring Luisa Miceli)

Where did Indo-European come from?

It’s a controversial question that has set linguist against linguist for generations. But now DNA evidence is providing clues.

Linguist Luisa Miceli is in the studio with Daniel and Ben on this episode of Talk

196: Irish

The Irish language is attracting a lot of attention.

It’s now a major player among minority languages, but even so, it’s a surprisingly contentious topic for many.

Linguist Daniel Midgley finds out what it’s all about on this episode of …

195: Palindromes

Poor Dan is in a droop. No lemons, no melon. Won’t lovers revolt now?

Is this some weird experimental novel? No, every one of those sentences is palindromic — they read the same forward and backward. Palindromes aren’t just fun; …

194: Auslan Advocacy (featuring Drisana Levitzke-Gray)

Auslan is one of Australia’s most popular signed languages.

But how many of us know it? And what is communication like for Deaf speakers in the wider society?

Auslan advocate and Young Australian of the Year Drisana Levitzke-Gray joins Daniel …

193: The Bilingual Advantage

Speaking another language is good for your brain — at least that’s what we’ve heard.

But some new research paints a less-positive picture. Should you learn another language? And how?

Linguist Daniel Midgley gets bilingual on this episode of Talk

192: Linguistic Movies

It’s Oscars time, and the film about Alan Turing “The Imitation Game” is in contention for best picture.

But that’s not the only language movie out there — there are plenty of cinematic delights to quench your passion for linguistic …

191: Ape Accents

Do apes have accents?

A recent news story claims that chimps learn a “new language” when they move in with other chimps. What’s behind the story? And what exactly are our fellow primates capable of, language wise?

Linguist Daniel Midgley

190: Rap Linguistics (featuring Darin Flynn)

Rap is the music of the street. And now it’s on campus.

Linguist Darin Flynn has created a university linguistics class that puts rap lyrics on the syllabus. What can hip-hop poets tell us about language?

Dr Flynn tells Daniel

189: Words of the Year 2014

It’s a new year, and that means it’s time for our Word of the Year round-up.

What words tripped on our tongues, tickled our ears, and zeited our geist in 2014?

Linguist Daniel Midgley can’t even on this episode of …

Big news for Talk the Talk!

Hey, everyone.

Starting in 2015, there’s going to be a new, bigger, better Talk the Talk with Daniel and Ben! Here are the changes:

  • Talk the Talk will be a full hour. That’s right — instead of trying to squash
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