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178: Village Sign Languages

Linguists are discovering signed languages in unexpected places.

Created where there are high rates of congenital deafness, these village sign languages are challenging traditional ideas about how humans do language. What can they teach us about language and the mind?…

177: Speed Reading

Is speed reading for real?

Old techniques and new apps promise to help you read at phenomenal speeds, but do they really help? How can you become a better reader?

Linguist Daniel Midgley goes cover to cover on this episode …

176: Language Myths (featuring Karen Stollznow)

Does Bigfoot use language?

Can your brain understand a message if it’s backwards?

We don’t always understand how language works, so it’s natural that myths and legends about language should arise. Now a new book “Language Myths, Mysteries, and Magic” …

175: Mother Tongues

Everyone knows it’s a good idea to get kids to learn a foreign language.

But lots of Australian kids already speak a foreign language — at home. Yet these ‘mother tongues’ are losing ground to English. How do we encourage …

174: Big Data, Small World

There’s a lot of data out there.

And people are using it to find some pretty interesting patterns. Whether it’s finding global superdialects, or inferring language similarity from the errors of English learners, computers are expanding our language horizons.

Linguist …

173: Metaphor in Brainspace (featuring Thalia Wheatley and Beth Castieau)

Do you like long discussions or heavy conversations?

If you understood that, you’re good at metaphors. They help us express ourselves, and even understand things. But what’s happening in our brains when we hear them? And can metaphors change our …

Radiothon 2014 Special

Last week’s Radiothon 2014 show was a celebration of RTRFM, community radio, and our listeners.

But there were language questions for linguist Daniel Midgley, appearances from Kylie Sturgess, Ben Ainslie, and more.

And we’re bringing you the …

172: Why It’s Hard to Learn a Language

Anyone who’s tried to learn a foreign language knows that it can take a lot of work.

Yet children seem to learn languages easily. How do they do it? And why should you try learning a language?

Linguist Daniel Midgley

171: Word Crimes 2

Weird Al Yankovic’s song “Word Crimes” combines grammar with music, and it’s fun to listen to.

But linguists are pointing out that these word crimes are not so felonious after all.

Linguist Daniel Midgley continues the investigation on this episode …

170: Word Crimes 1

Weird Al Yankovic’s new parody “Word Crimes” is chock-full of grammar advice — but is it good advice?

Or is it just a three-minute-long language peeve session? What should we take from the song, and what should best be left …

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