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169: Kalyakoorl (featuring Gina Williams and Guy Ghouse)

Many people talk about language revitalisation, but some people are doing something about it.

Perth musicians Gina Williams and Guy Ghouse have released a new album Kalyakoorl, written in the Noongar language of Western Australia, and it’s bringing the …

Midyear hiatus, 2014

Ben and I are taking a break, getting ready for the next round of language science, news, and interviews. So we’re in repeats for the next few weeks.

But I’m still talking to James Hall every Tuesday.

Promo, 24 June

168: In Praise of Ambiguity

Some words and sentences are ambiguous — they could be taken more than one way.

And that’s not necessarily a bad thing. Or is it? Does ambiguity make language difficult to understand? Or could it actually make communicating easier?

Linguist Daniel

167: The Language Hoax (featuring John McWhorter)

Does the world look different if you speak a different language?

Can we tell what someone’s culture is like, just from the structure of their syntax?

For linguists, the answers are no. And no.

John McWhorter is the author of …

166: Mondegreens

Even if you’re great at understanding the words to songs, you’ve probably encountered mondegreens.

They’re misheard song lyrics, and they can be funny, bizarre, and sometimes better then the real thing. Why do they happen, and what can they …

165: Little Sponges

Children seem to soak up language, even the things we’d rather they not say.

What do you do about your child’s swearing? And does using sign language help babies talk earlier?

Linguist Daniel Midgley is down with the kids on …

164: Sounding Gay

Can you tell someone’s orientation by the way they talk?

While there’s been a lot of supposition and stereotyping, there’s also a body of linguistic work on this very topic.

Linguist Daniel Midgley swings that way on this episode of …

163: EvoLang (featuring Mark Ellison)

How did language begin? What was it like long ago?

Did we come up with meaningful utterances first and then break them down, or did we build language from the words up? Did other pre-humans have language?

Researchers are working …

162: Conlangs 2

Conlangs — or constructed languages — give a feeling of reality to science fiction.

But constructing or learning a language means you have to know something about the structure of language. What choices are there, and what do you need …

161: Conlangs 1

Conlangs — or constructed languages — bring a feeling of reality to the worlds of science fiction.

For some people, learning Dothraki or Klingon shows their true dedication. But what are conlangs like? What can they tell us about natural …

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