Category: animal communication (page 3 of 4)

191: Ape Accents

Do apes have accents?

A recent news story claims that chimps learn a “new language” when they move in with other chimps. What’s behind the story? And what exactly are our fellow primates capable of, language wise?

Linguist Daniel Midgley

176: Language Myths (featuring Karen Stollznow)

Does Bigfoot use language?

Can your brain understand a message if it’s backwards?

We don’t always understand how language works, so it’s natural that myths and legends about language should arise. Now a new book “Language Myths, Mysteries, and Magic” …

163: EvoLang (featuring Mark Ellison)

How did language begin? What was it like long ago?

Did we come up with meaningful utterances first and then break them down, or did we build language from the words up? Did other pre-humans have language?

Researchers are working …

162: Conlangs 2

Conlangs — or constructed languages — give a feeling of reality to science fiction.

But constructing or learning a language means you have to know something about the structure of language. What choices are there, and what do you need …

161: Conlangs 1

Conlangs — or constructed languages — bring a feeling of reality to the worlds of science fiction.

For some people, learning Dothraki or Klingon shows their true dedication. But what are conlangs like? What can they tell us about natural …

154: Pointing

Pointing at stuff is something every human understands.

A new study shows that for babies, pointing bridges the gap between communication and language. Could pointing have kickstarted language? And do any other animals do it?

Linguist Daniel Midgley gets to …

152: Listening to Plants (featuring Monica Gagliano)

Humanity, we may have a problem.

Computers are getting good at imitating us. How good? Good enough to fool us into accepting their scientific papers and their robocalls. Might they have already passed the Turing Test? And what are bots …

131: Dolphin Names

Dolphins are known for their squeaky calls, but now it appears that these clever mammals of the sea can call each other by name.

What is their communication system like, and how does this compare with human language?

Linguist Daniel

109: Birds and Bees

Could language have evolved from birdsong?

A new paper suggests that human language shares features with both the tweeting of our feathered friends, and the buzzing of bees. How might early humans have combined them to make language?

Linguist Daniel

103: Fetch the Dax

What’s it like to be a dog?

It’s difficult to say, because they can’t tell us. But recent experiments have shown something about the way dogs group objects into categories, and it’s different from the way human children do it. …

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